Caste is a convenient convenience for some and an inconvenient inconvenience for others. - Jeyapal
குறட் பாடம்
அல்லற்பட்டு ஆற்றாது அழுத கண்ணீர் செல்வத்தைத் தேய்க்கும் படை
ஈழத் தமிழர் உண்மை வரலாறு
[TamilNet, Monday, 02 March 2009, 15:45 GMT]A Conservative Party politician in the United Kingdom, Dr. Rachel Joyce, apologised Sunday for the error of Colonial Britain in making a unitary Ceylon out of two nations, the Tamils and the Sinhalese. “The Tamil people have lived on the island currently called Sri Lanka for millennia - in their own contiguous, distinct, geographical territory. They lay claim only to the territory they have historically lived in. In fact, the 3 million Tamils of the island constituted a self governing nation until invaded and occupied by Colonial powers – in particular Britain, who amalgamated them with the Sinhala nation purely for convenience. In retrospect, this cultural naivety was a mistake that has caused problems since independence,” she said in a meeting held at Harrow, where Bruce Fein, a constitutional expert from the United States was the guest speaker.